About Us

Our Goal

Our goal is to make your holiday's, and household events enjoyable, and hassle free. No more dreading to climb a ladder in cold weather, or hanging lights on dangerous and slippery roofs.

We want you to focus on the things you enjoy doing during the holidays. Whether that's sitting by the fire sipping hot chocolate with the family, or finding that perfect gift for your kids. We are here to alleviate some of that holiday stress and make your list a little shorter.

Our Story

Every December my father and I used to pull down the dreaded bin (You know the one), that big green bin that collected dust until its time to shine. We would then proceed to untangle the mess of lights that I had so carelessly put away a few short months ago. We began to string up each strand of lights ever so carefully. I would hold the ladder while my father dangled from the top trying to reach the highest peaks of our two story house. My teeth would chatter as the brisk December winds whistled through the rungs of the aluminum ladder.

Years went by as I grew up and my father grew old, our rolls had changed and I would be nominated to climb to the top of that ladder. Despite us getting older, we certainly were no wiser.
We would continue the ritual of procrastination and wait until the coldest month to pull out that big green bin.

As the years went by those strings of lights that once shined so bright were now brittle and weak, and a few of the strings no longer worked. Finding replacements would be a challenge as well, as no models ever stayed in production forever. The chore of hanging Christmas was always a dreadful one.

There must be a better way.

Next comes Columbia Valley, a company founded on making the holidays enjoyable again. No more icy roofs, putting loved ones at risk for the entertainment of your neighbors. Let us take care of the hard part for you.


We provide clients with a wide range of services to cover all their needs. No matter what your project might be, our professionals work to bring your dreams to life. Contact us today and see how we may best serve you.